Drawn in Light

13 x 13 x 11 meters, Stainless Steel, Powder coating and LED spots
Available for shows
Unique in its kind this work was received with open arms by audiences all over the world of all walks of life.

This installation was originally made for the Amsterdam Light Festival ˋ13-ˋ14. At the time Ralf was already getting some recognition for his indoor work, showing on Art Fairs. He created the scale model for the installation that you can find on this page. His idea was to upscale the 60 cm model ten times, the festival invited him to go bigger and he ended up making it 22 times bigger making it about 13 meters. Since its first show the work attracted a lot of attention, boosting Ralfs career. So far it has been shown in Belgium, Singapore, Romania, Sweden, Engeland, Israel and Taiwan.
So far only one such work has been realized as most festivals prefer to stick with what they can already see even though the costs are not necessarily higher.

There is no shortage of plans for new works in this style. Experiences in the meantime will bring improvements on all levels. It just takes one event-organizer to collaborate with to make it happen, is that you?

The making-off "Drawn in Light".

How to realize a very large version of something you have dreamed up? To do something that has never been done?  
You start with a sketch!
The model sketch
First magic in the studio
Making a car in wire
Artist Jeroen Cremers, friend and amazing assistant at welding.
Now its white powdered the magic starts to arrive.
Using street chalk to sketch
The house taking shape
The whole work was powder coated and then went in a huge oven.
Installing on a complicated location in Amsterdam