Three works of about 150 x 150 x 240 cm. Stainless steel, UV LED lights and responsive coating. Available for shows
In the work we can see three old men, their wrinkles as traces of the lives the lived. They come from different parts of the world and have different religions, yet they have something in common. The traces life left, show how they interpreted their faith, they show the mildness they lived by.
The work was created for the old city of Jerusalem, a location that had left an impression on me two years earlier. This place is extremely important to three mayor religions. To me there seemed to be a constant tension in the air as people lived their lives in very close proximity, but distinctly separate. The Netherlands prides itself, or at least it used to, to be a tolerant place. Making tolerance a high value is a probably a good place to start. Yet here in the old city of Jerusalem it became crystal clear to me that tolerating others is really not the same as living together with them.